Listen (listening is the most important part)
It sounds obvious, but our clients tell us it is not common. Getting to the essence of what’s important to our clients, stakeholders and neighbors is a big part of what we do. This is especially true with public projects and private projects in the public eye. We have found that an open and thorough process is an invaluable first step in developing responsive designs.
Communicate (conveying design ideas requires exceptional communication)
Drawings provide a project overview and computer graphics enable photorealistic proposal renderings, but we believe it is just as important to communicate the ideas and rationale behind design choices. We strive to engage in a two-way dialogue through clear articulation of our thought process and engagement of our audience. This promotes the highest quality input and feedback possible.
Design (effective design improves people’s lives)
Places where people gather, reflect, learn, create, worship, marvel, grieve, rejoice, work or play impact those experiences. We believe successful design has tremendous social value, is empathetic, and responds to the needs and desires of those who experience it. The best of these places are, in turn, intrinsically cared for by those who use them.
Create (no two projects are alike)
Beyond the common parameters of code compliance and budget lay the unique variables of site context, site character, project program and client objectives. We work hard to identify and understand these variables from the outset, because we know they are key to uniquely successful projects